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1 Season 6 Episode

Trumbo's World

General information

Episode TitleTrumbo's World
Air date1985-11-10


MacGyver 1×6

Synopsis of MacGyver 1×6

Opening Gambit: In the Pyrenees Mountains, MacGyver rescues a prisoner, then makes a daring escape with her by raft.

Main Episode:

MacGyver comes along on a expedition to Brazil with his friend, entomologist Dr. Alden. They meet with a landowner and recluse, Trumbo, who is initially hostile. However, when they realize that a mile-wide column of army ants is moving through the jungle, they team together to mount a defense. Alden is killed by the ants, which seem unstoppable. MacGyver tries to flood the ants by filling the surrounding troughs with water, but when that plan fails, he uses a flamethrower to burn the oncoming ants. Out of gasoline and quickly running out of time, MacGyver must come up with a plan to dispose of the ants, or Trumbo will lose in one afternoon what he spent his life assembling.


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