TV Show | Title | Air date | Director |
One-Punch Man 1 x 8
The Deep Sea KingA pack of monsters calling themselves the "Clan of the Seafolk" arrive on the shores of City J intent on invading the land. When the hero sent to fight them is defeated easily by the Deep Sea King himself, Saitama and Genos head for the city to help. |
The Deep Sea King | 2015-11-22 | |
One-Punch Man 1 x 7
The Supreme PupilAn enormous meteor hurtles toward City Z, forcing the Hero Association to ask its S Class heroes to respond. When all their efforts prove in vain, Genos decides it's up to him to protect the home of his master and stop the meteor, no matter what the cost. |
The Supreme Pupil | 2015-11-15 | |
One-Punch Man 1 x 6
The Terrifying CityIt's been five days since Saitama became a professional hero and he has yet to do anything heroic. When Genos informs him that C-class heroes who don't fight bad guys are dropped from the hero registry after a week of inaction, Saitama heads out on patrol, yet can't find any criminals or monsters to stop. |
The Terrifying City | 2015-11-08 | |
One-Punch Man 1 x 5
The Ultimate MasterThough he's been doing the hero gig for three years, Saitama realizes that the public knows nothing about him. Determined to get a little recognition, he decides to become a pro hero, but first he must pass the Hero Association tests and become a full-fledged member. |
The Ultimate Master | 2015-11-01 | |
One-Punch Man 1 x 4
The Modern NinjaA group of battlesuit-clad terrorists called "The Paradisers" appears in City F, led by an enormous man known as Hammerhead. Calling for the redistribution of wealth, the group targets the fat-cat Zeniru, who in turn dispatches his bodyguard to defeat them. Unfortunately, Saitama is on the same errand. |
The Modern Ninja | 2015-10-25 | |
One-Punch Man 1 x 3
The Obsessive ScientistSaitama and Genos glean information about The House of Evolution and its founder Dr. Genus, a scientist with dangerous ideas on artificial human evolution. Meanwhile, Dr. Genus learns of Saitama's amazing strength and has plans of his own for One-Punch Man. |
The Obsessive Scientist | 2015-10-18 | |
One-Punch Man 1 x 2
The Lone CyborgA monster is moving toward City Z, one that has been created by the mysterious organization known as The House of Evolution. Genos, a young cyborg, attempts to stop it, but gets in over his head before Saitama happens along. |
The Lone Cyborg | 2015-10-11 | |
One-Punch Man 1 x 1
The Strongest ManSaitama is a guy who’s a hero for fun. After saving a child from certain death, he decided to become a hero and trained hard for three years. Though he’s now so strong he can defeat any opponent with a single punch, lately he feels as if, in exchange for overwhelming power, he’s lost something even more important. |
The Strongest Man | 2015-10-04 | |
Friends 8 x 24
The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (2)Drake reports to Phoebe. Chandler and Monica look for a room in the hospital to use for a tryst. After 21 hours of labor, Rachel's ready to have the baby. Joey blows it for Phoebe but fixes it just as quickly. The baby is in breach, but comes out okay. After Ross and Rachel kiss, the baby is named Emma Geller Green. Monica and Chandler find a janitor's closet. Janice convinces Rachel that she needs a guy who will be around. Ross still isn't interested, but Phoebe talks him into it. Joey finds the engagement ring. Rachel thinks he's proposing and says yes, as Ross walks down the hall with flowers. |
The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (2) | 2002-05-13 | Kevin S. Bright |
Friends 7 x 24
The One With Chandler And Monica's Wedding (2)Joey encounters problems trying to get off the movie set to officiate the wedding when the star turns up drunk. Meanwhile, Ross desperately searches for the missing Chandler as Rachel and Phoebe try to keep Monica from finding out. While the girls are searching, they come across a positive pregnancy test in a garbage can which they assume is Monica's. However, it turns out that it may actually belong to Rachel... |
The One With Chandler And Monica's Wedding (2) | 2001-05-17 |