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Friends 6 x 9

The One Where Ross Got High

Monica's parents come for Thanksgiving, which is a problem because, not only do they not like Chandler, they don't know where he's living. Rachel makes a dessert--with beef. Phoebe develops a crush on Mr. Geller. Joey and Ross can't wait for dinner to end so they can go to Janine's "Thanksgiving with models".

The One Where Ross Got High 1999-11-25
Friends 6 x 8

The One With Ross's Teeth

Ross bleaches his teeth for a date with Monica's coworker. The only problem is that they now glow in the dark. Chandler convinces Joey that Janine is trying to take over his apartment. Phoebe makes out with the copy guy at Rachel's office. Rachel spreads rumors about Phoebe but her boss thinks that Rachel slept with Ralph Lauren.

The One With Ross's Teeth 1999-11-18
Friends 6 x 7

The One Where Phoebe Runs

Rachel and Phoebe decide to start running together, but Rachel is thrown off by the fact that Phoebe runs like a four-year-old. Joey finds a sexy new female roommate. Chandler decides to surprise Monica by cleaning the apartment, but forgets where everything goes. Ross tries to help him fix the apartment before Monica gets home.

The One Where Phoebe Runs 1999-11-11
Friends 6 x 6

The One On The Last Night

Chandler and Monica are moving in with each other, which means Rachel is moving in with Phoebe and Joey will be without a roommate. Meanwhile Ross doesn't want to help with the packing so he stays at home with Ben, or so they think. Joey doesn't know how to live by himself, so Chandler decides to "lose" money to him in various games.

The One On The Last Night 1999-11-04
Friends 6 x 5

The One with Joey's Porsche

Joey finds keys to a Porsche and wants to leave them at the lost and found but nobody seems to miss their keys. Joey gets great response from people when he stands next to the car. Rachel doesn't know where to live until Phoebe offers her a room. Rachel takes care of the divorce because she doesn't trust Ross anymore. Alice and Frank give Phoebe the triplets to babysit for a day and Monica and Chandler help her take care of them. Joey washes the Porsche when the owner comes by and takes it away. Rachel and Ross go before the judge but Rachel filled in untrue reasons ...

The One with Joey's Porsche 1999-10-21
Friends 6 x 4

The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance

Rachel prepares to move in with Ross. Ross is asked to give a lecture at NYU. Phoebe's psychic tells her that she will die before the end of the week. Ross practices his lecture for the gang but it's really boring. Joey's SAG health insurance has lapsed due to his lack of work. Ross's lecture goes well, without jokes or "naked chicks". Joey gets a hernia working out for auditions. Rachel and Monica discover that Ross is interesting because he uses a British accent. Joey won't go to the hospital and Phoebe's psychic dies instead of her. Ross's lawyer calls for him and Rachel talks to him, discovering that they're still married.

The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance 1999-10-14
Friends 6 x 3

The One With Ross's Denial

Monica and Chandler disagree over how to redecorate Rachel's old room. Joey advertises for a "non ugly" roommate. Ross is unwilling to accept that he is still in love with Rachel.

The One With Ross's Denial 1999-10-07
Friends 6 x 2

The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel

Monica and Chandler decide to move in together, leading Rachel to believe that all three of them will be roommates, and Monica doesn't want to tell her the truth. Meanwhile, Ross tries to keep Rachel from learning that their marriage hasn't been annulled.

The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel 1999-09-30
Friends 6 x 1

The One After Vegas

Ross and Rachel experience the world’s worst hangover when they realize they’ve gotten married. Chandler and Monica back away from their own altar plans. Phoebe and Joey head back to New York in the taxi cab.

The One After Vegas 1999-09-23
Friends 5 x 24

The One in Vegas (2)

Chandler and Monica reconcile and hastily decide to get married. Ross and Rachel get drunk and roam the casino. Phoebe deals with a 'lurker' on the slot machines.

The One in Vegas (2) 1999-05-20